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MapLink™ | Procedures | Natural Resource Restrictions

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Natural Resource Restrictions
A. General.
(1) The natural resource restrictions, as contained herein, shall apply to all uses.

(2) Site alterations, regrading, filling, or clearing of vegetation prior to approval of final plan by the Board of Supervisors shall be a violation of this chapter. However, this subsection shall not prohibit any land management practices that may be necessary for the ecological improvement of any stream, pond, lake, or wetland or for forest production, provided that all applicable permits have been obtained from all appropriate state and federal regulatory agencies.

(3) All proposed subdivisions and site plans either wholly or partly within resource protection lands as identified in § 200-31C(1)(b) shall be subject to the following restrictions, unless specifically exempt by provision of this subsection.
(a) All proposed site plans and subdivisions, the area of which is either wholly or partly within resource protection lands, shall have an earth disturbance plan as part of the preliminary plan submission.
(b) Contents of an earth disturbance plan.
[1] A metes and bounds base map.
[2] The location, type and extent of all natural features and resources on the site, parcel or tract.
[3] Areas and limits of all primary and ancillary grading and earthwork.
[4] The delineation by conservation easement of the earth disturbance envelope(s) of the site, parcel or tract. The total land area within the conservation easement(s) shall not be less than the total required open space as determined in § 200-31C(1)(d) of this section. Said conservation easements may include open space and resource protection lands either in public or private ownership as the case may be.
[5] A general plan note clearly indicating that all earth disturbance is strictly limited to the areas within the earth disturbance envelope(s) of the site, parcel or tract.
[6] The total earth disturbance of any site, parcel or tract shall not exceed the net buildable area of that site, parcel or tract as established by § 200-31C(1)(d) of this section.
(4) Areas with natural resource restrictions should, to the greatest extent possible, be left undisturbed and not occupied by structures, driveways, on-lot septic systems or other requirements.